Nov. 30, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Today has been quite a long day. Although I was able to sleep in for a little bit, I’ve been doing a lot of running. Because of receiving our passports back with new Residence Permits, Brian and I had to go re-register at the police station. Emily was kind enough to take us around 11 this morning. There
Warlord Tour
Nov. 30, 2016 1:30 am Beijing, China Okay, I’m a little late getting this up. I didn’t realize how late it had actually gotten. Oops. Have you ever gone on a tour? Like a real tour with a tour guide who tells you information about the place you’re visiting? As a traveller, I have been on many tours across the world, but, no matter how
Christmas, Turkeys, and Teachers! Oh My!
Nov. 28, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China So once again you get a two-fer. Sorry about that, but last night I was pretty busy. See, yesterday was a bit crazy. My day started early when I woke up to take family Christmas photos. Yes, you read that right. I did say “family” photos. Those of you who receive our Christmas card every year will know
Pastry Memories
Nov. 26, 2016 11:45 pm Beijing, China Another quick post! Thank you for all your p—yers for my class this morning. It went amazingly well. The kids were great and I met the goals I set for myself. My observer had many really nice things to say about the class and her only critiques were things that I already knew about and have been working
FaceTimed Holidays
Nov. 25, 2016 10:15 pm Beijing, China Hello All! How was Thanksgiving? Did you all have good meals and great conversations? I certainly hope so. I p—y that you cherished the time you got to spend with your loved ones. Actually, I hope that many of you are still cherishing that time. I also p—y for safe travels as people head back home this weekend.