Nov. 3, 2016
10:45 pm
Beijing, China
So now I kinda feel a little guilty. I wrote that post yesterday about being kicked out of my apartment. But now I get to tell you that I can actually stay in my apartment! Of course, I’m super excited about that (I literally jumped up and squealed when I found out), but I feel bad for making you all worry. And I promise that I did not make you wait to hear about this news. I literally just found out a little while ago and wasn’t able to post anything until I got back to the apartment. So, now you know!
I want to thank you all so much for your support and pr—ers. It was amazing to wake up this morning (yesterday evening, your time) and see the overwhelming outpouring of love from you all. I had tons of Facebook comments, many of which included contacts in Beijing that might have been able to help. I had a few emails from people here and others who just wanted to show their support. It was amazing to feel that much care and encouragement. Also, I want you to see this video. This is what happened to my blog views yesterday.
I know that this outcome is because of all the pr–ers that have been going up. I know that Abba was listening and rejoicing in the message. Maybe this is the true silver lining. The fact that this crisis of mine joined a huge number of people together in pr—er. To show that trusting in Him can truly accomplish anything! I know that many of you have been pr–ing for me since my post about losing my apartment; I know I haven’t stopped pr–ing since. Thank you all so much! You will never know how much that has meant to me.
Still, I’m being careful about getting my hopes up too much. This is the answer today, but there’s still that little thought in that back of my mind that this may all change again. So I’m not unpacking a lot, yet. But now I know that no matter what happens, I have a huge support system behind me and Abba holding my hand. Hopefully, though, I’m here to stay.
So, now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on to some more fun stuff. I didn’t really get to talk to you about moving yesterday. So Taylor and I made some vlogs about it. Mine aren’t the best because my hand was a little shaky. Basically, it was a nightmare. We had a ton of trouble getting our bags around. It was all very heavy. A man took pity on me when I was going down the stairs to the subway and actually carried my bag for me. It was super sweet. Then I couldn’t get my bag to move on the sidewalk. It was just a mess.

Also, today I actually got to teach part of a class! Today was the first day of a new class, so it was the very first lesson. I will be co-teaching this class with Ashley in the future. Because it was opening today, I couldn’t teach it all, so another experienced teacher taught most of the class. But I taught a part of it so the kids could get to know me. It was so much fun! I was nervous beforehand, but it ended up being great.
After work, Brian and I went to go grab something to eat. We decided to try Pizza Hut because it’s in our mall and we didn’t feel like walking. Just so you know, Pizza Hut here is like an actual restaurant. We were seated at a nice booth, a waitress took our order, and I actually got soup instead of a pizza. It was really weird and nothing like Pizza Hut back home. So, as you can see, today has been a pretty good and joyful day.
Words to Remember: Luke 22:47-53
Challenge: Picture yourself in this scene. Who are you? Are you a dis—le? Are you one of the attackers? Are you the man who gets his ear cut off? What are you feeling during this? Look at how Je—s handles this scene. Literally just a few minutes before He was asking Abba to relieve Him of this burden. Now he willingly goes with them. What surprises you the most about Him? What resonates with you and how can you use that in the future?