Oh, My Beloved Sun

Nov. 7, 2016
11:30 pm
Beijing, China

Good Morning!Or good evening. Or good night? Whatever it is for you, good day!!

Guess what! Today I got to see the sky! No, I’m not kidding. This is not a drill. Today the sky over Beijing, China was clear. The sky was blue with just a few small clouds. The sun was out in all of it’s bright yellow brilliance. It was wonderful! Another plus side, I didn’t have to wear a mask today. That’s always good news.

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So today was not a super eventful day. I went to work about an hour early so I could have time to look at my lesson plans for this week. Then Brian and I went with Emily to register at the police station. That was a bit of a crazy story that I unfortunately cannot share on the Internet, so you’ll just have to ask me about it next time we talk. After we returned, Brian and I had a class to co-teach.

As I’ve mentioned over the past couple posts, Gretchen has been pretty sick, so she did not come in to work today. Since she only has one class on Mondays, Adam offered Brian and me the opportunity to teach it together. It was really fun. Brian took the warm-up and review, while I introduced new vocabulary and played a game. Brian returned and taught phonics and led bookwork. Meanwhile, I checked homework and handed out stickers (their reward for good behavior). It went pretty well. We still haven’t quite got the timing down and are not really sure about the transitions yet, but we’re learning.

The rest of the day was lesson planning for later this week. Brian is covering all of Gretchen’s classes tomorrow because it’s my day off. Then, on Thursday, I teach my first full class by myself. I’m really excited to get in there and teach, but I’m also a bit nervous. I’ve got my lesson plan printed out and have been looking over it. I’m hoping that the kids will actually be able to learn from me.

For the next two days, I’m off. So tomorrow I’m heading up to EF HQ to drop off some documents and then heading to a store nearby. Hopefully I’ll find some inexpensive hangers and other necessities for my apartment. I think I’m going to try to go to IKEA on Wednesday, and probably see if Taylor wants to go with me. Maybe these days off will give me some funny stories for you guys.


One Comment

  1. Linda Love

    I’m glad you found a place to live. Hope you are settling in. Take care and I’m p–ying for you.


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