Nov. 9, 2016
11:30 pm
Beijing, China
Hello Blog Readers!
Today was another day off, because, you know, weekends usually have two days. So yesterday was spent running around all day until my feet felt like they were going to fall off, and today was spent in my apartment. I really didn’t do anything much today. I caught up on Criminal Minds, worked on my lesson plans for tomorrow, and tried to get caught up on the Trail Blazer curriculum for my class next week. I like EF, but that particular product is not the most logical one.
As I’m sure is true for many of you yesterday (because you’ll be reading this on the Nov. 9th and my morning was still your Nov. 8th), I spent a good part of my day watching election results come in. Unfortunately, because I live in China, I didn’t have great coverage. I had to keep reloading Politico’s website to get information. But I also had my family, so they kept me informed. I don’t want to talk about politics much, because I know that it’s an extremely hot topic at the moment. But I will say something very quickly. Our country made a decision. Whether you agree with it or not doesn’t matter, it’s done. (You probably had the opposite feeling 4 years ago.) Ultimately, the president doesn’t define our country, we do. He may be the face the world sees, and that may be disagreeable to some, but he is not who America is.
Please, even if you’d have preferred different results, support our country. Support our troops, who are giving their lives to protect our freedoms and the freedoms of others. Respect our government officials who truly believe that they are doing what is best for us–even if you choose to speak out against their efforts.
China gives you a bit of a different perspective. Here, they have no elections. They share no opinions. They’re not allowed. Here you can literally sign a contract one day and have your home taken away the next. You’re not allowed to access certain websites because the government doesn’t want you to see them. You have to censor what you say in public, not because of political correctness, but because you could actually get arrested if you say certain things too loudly. Now, I don’t want to make it sound like China is a scary place, because I have not been scared of anyone here. (The only time I’ve been frightened was because I didn’t know what to do in the situation.) And I’ve chosen to accept the restrictions for this chapter in my life. But they make me realize how much we take for granted the rights and privileges we have in the U.S. They don’t exist in other places. Cherish them and be grateful that you have them, because other people don’t.
I’m going to put my challenge before my words to remember today since it has nothing to do with that passage. My challenge for you is to p—y. Ask Abba to be with our country. P—y that He uses this situation to further His plan for our future. Ask Him to guide the hearts and minds of our leaders and to help them make the best decisions they possibly can–decisions consistent with His will. Thank Him for blessing you with life in a country where you can discuss matters of government and even speak badly about your country’s leader if you want. Praise Him for His will, even if it’s not what you would have chosen. P—y that He gives you a glimpse of His plan and your role within it.
Words to Remember: Galatians 6:11-16
*Featured photo taken from
Jaime B
I’m really digging the confidence in your voice this post!! Nice work.
Linda Love
Kristen you are so mature for your age. I agree with you. We do take for granted our freedom. There has been too many negative comments connected with this election. We need to direct ourselves back to Abba and his word. Continue to enjoy your time there. Blessings,
Mike Bolender
One is rarely left in despair following consultation with Him. Ask for enlightenment, faith and the fortitude to live his will. The answers you’ll receive may not align nicely with your will, but do not dispair and trust your faith to show you your next best move. Blessings!