Nov. 25, 2016
10:15 pm
Beijing, China
Hello All!
How was Thanksgiving? Did you all have good meals and great conversations? I certainly hope so. I p—y that you cherished the time you got to spend with your loved ones. Actually, I hope that many of you are still cherishing that time. I also p—y for safe travels as people head back home this weekend. Remember to grab those last few hugs and be careful on the roads.
I actually got to spend a few minutes of Thanksgiving with the McKell family back home. Around 8:00 am my time, I was able to FaceTime home and see everyone getting ready to sit down to family dinner as it was 7:00 pm Ohio time. It was wonderful to see everyone and to say hi. I got to hear some fun stories, see the beautiful desserts LoRo and Xi made, and exchange actual hellos with everyone there. Unfortunately, I did miss a few faces, namely the Tommy Gomez family and the MacKenzie family. I love you guys and hope you had a great Thanksgiving, too! I got a couple of screenshots of the family. Seriously, it’s crazy how long it took to get everyone to look at the iPad and smile at the same time. Feel free to look at these pictures if you want to see our craziness.
On a serious note, though, it was so wonderful to get to spend a few minutes with my family on this holiday, even if it was just digitally. I was a bit sad at not being there, although the feeling was small and only lasted for a short while. Seeing everyone made me feel so much better. To the family members who are reading this: I love you all and miss you a ton! Hope the evening was full of laughs, just like it always is.
My visit with my family was short lived, though, because I had to run. I had to leave at 8:30 because I had training today. I left an hour and 30 minutes before we were supposed to be there, got caught in rush hour train traffic, and got there 3 minutes late. Again, I like EF, but I spent over 2 hours traveling this morning, there and back, for an hour of training. It was a lot of morning travel. And for those who know me, I am not a morning person. The rest of the day was uneventful. But now I have to head to bed because I have a person from regional coming to observe my class at 8:45 tomorrow morning. Again, not a morning person, so this class may be a bust. Haha, just kidding, I actually love this class and the kids are great. I just hope I make a good impression. Also, shameless begging, I wouldn’t mind a few p—yers be sent up tomorrow night at 7:30/8:30c 🙂
Oh, and one last thing. It was recently brought to my attention that I did not have anywhere that allowed for easy subscription to my blog. If you would like to receive notifications about when I post, please subscribe. In the menu on the left-hand side (just click on the peach/pink button at the top left to get the menu to come up) there is a place to enter your email underneath the heading “GET NOTIFICATIONS OF NEW POSTS.” Notifications will be sent straight to your email each time I post a blog. If you’d rather not receive emails, which I totally understand, feel free to just keep checking in or following the links on Facebook.
Anyway, have a good Black Friday. Love you all and talk to you soon!
Barbara Oxenham
I have been enjoying your blog but only get it occasionally. Would love to get it daily. Could you please add me to your list?
Kristen McKell
I’m so glad you are enjoying my blog. If you’d like to receive email notifications when I post my blog, feel free to subscribe. In the menu on the left-hand side (just click on the peach/pink button at the top left to get the menu to pop up) there is a place to enter your email under the heading “GET BLOGS SENT STRAIGHT TO YOU!” Notifications will be sent to your email each time I post a blog.
Thanks again for your interest. I hope you continue to enjoy it!
Was thinking of you yesterday on Thanksgiving Kristen! We are so proud of you and miss you so much, yet we know this will be an amazing year of your life! Love love love you (and love reading your blog)
-Sylvia and Mac