Nov. 26, 2016
11:45 pm
Beijing, China
Another quick post!
Thank you for all your p—yers for my class this morning. It went amazingly well. The kids were great and I met the goals I set for myself. My observer had many really nice things to say about the class and her only critiques were things that I already knew about and have been working on. It was so nice to hear someone else say what I was thinking/hoping.
The rest of the day was uneventful until after work. The day was mostly spent planning and joking around with Brian when neither of us had class. Also, the guy at the coffee shop only charged me for a small coffee instead of a large, which was really nice. Anyway…
So after work I went over to Gretchen’s again for another “girl’s night.” Once again, only one other person showed up. This time it was Amanda instead of Janel. It was really nice to meet someone else. Also, she lives in Yizhuang and has a study on Wednesday nights that I might be able to join! It was a great night. We made quesadillas and cookies for dinner. Amanda also brought potato chips and Pastéis de Nata. It was a big throwback to Semester at Sea. I bit into that wonderful egg custard tart and was instantly transported back to Lisbon, Portugal. I remember riding in one of those hop on-hop off knock off buses and trying to eat them without getting sugar and cinnamon everywhere. It’s not the most flattering picture, but it’s one of my favorites from that port. This picture is still on rotation as my Desktop photo.
The evening was lot’s of fun and it was nice to meet another one of Gretchen’s friends — and another person who loves Abba. After a long night of great conversation, Amanda and I shared a cab home. Now I’m back in my nice apartment to sleep. Tomorrow’s a nice early day so I can take Christmas pictures with my family.
Oh, and one last thing. It was recently brought to my attention that I did not have anywhere that allowed for easy subscription to my blog. If you would like to receive notifications about when I post, please subscribe. In the menu on the left-hand side (just click on the peach/pink button at the top left to get the menu to come up) there is a place to enter your email underneath the heading “GET NOTIFICATIONS OF NEW POSTS.” Notifications will be sent straight to your email each time I post a blog. If you’d rather not receive emails, which I totally understand, feel free to just keep checking in or following the links on Facebook.
Words to Remember: James 5:13-18
Challenge: Where do you need to pray, sing, or call in the ch–ch leaders? What’s going on in your life? Find someone today to share your thoughts with. Ask them to p–y or praise with you. Don’t do it alone! Share your thoughts with someone else!
Goodnight and Bless,