Fun, Work

Some (Hopefully) Fun Videos

Dec. 18, 2016
11:00 pm
Beijing, China

(Forgive me. I wrote this and meant to post it. My actual blog from today will come later.)

You guys interested in some more vlogs? I literally have no idea what you guys think, so you’ll have to let me know if you actually like watching these. I’ve taken a few over the last couple of days. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Here’s a video from our training yesterday. The point of this exercise was two-fold. One, to help us better understand what our kid’s experience in our classrooms. Two, to model and later identify techniques used in vocabulary and grammar drilling. The language being presented is Esperanto, an artificial language created to break down language barriers around the world. It’s grammar is very basic and the words are (for the most part) easy to catch up on. Adam is fluent in the language and I’m actually having fun studying it on Duolingo. We used it in both our trainings, although I didn’t get a video of today’s. If you’d like to learn more about the language, click here. This training is set up like a Small Stars class, but is using materials similar to a High Flyers course. It was neat to experience class the way our students do. In this activity, though, I got to play the role of parent in an Open Door (you can even see Ashlee wave to her “mom” at one point). It was an eye opening activity.

Small Stars Esperanto Class YouTube play

This second video is one I took of my commute in the morning. This is pretty average for a weekend. I apologize for how small it is. I sped up the video and made a 15 minute commute take only 2.5 minutes. Also, fair warning, this video gets pretty rough at the end. I tried to keep my hand still, but I had to walk quickly and the wind wasn’t any help. If you start to feel motion-sick, please stop watching. Do not get sick on your computer or phone. I’m not paying for the repairs.

Chinese Commute YouTube play

And finally we have a quick tour of our center. There’s not much to see, but here you go.

My School YouTube play

Added note, I may retake the last two on landscape so they’re not so small and hopefully the commute one won’t be so bad. I’ll update those if I can.

Talk to you soon,

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