
Dec. 31, 2016
11:30 pm
Beijing, China

Racing in at the very end!

So the last day of 2016 passed with not much fanfare. I went to work, taught a lot of classes, and headed home. I did have my first Open Door (where I teach a class in front of parents) at 8:45 this morning. It went extremely well! The parents all had great feedback and, for the most part, there wasn’t much they were unhappy with. They still gave me room to improve, though, so I’m excited to work on things. My other classes were uneventful, but fun.

Tonight, I had considered going out with some friends. As most of you can probably tell, though, I’m not much into the clubbing scene. Plus, my friends are planning to be out until 4 am. Yeah, nope, haha! Plus, I want to go to ch—ch in the morning, so that won’t work too well. But I hope they all have fun and enjoy their night. Since I didn’t go out, I FaceTimed the family to celebrate Christmas. Yes, It’s New Years Eve and we’re just now having Christmas morning. Things are a bit hectic in the McKell household, as you can probably guess. This is the first time everyone has been home and had time. After they all opened presents, we played some Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit as I readied to celebrate the New Year. Also, I got some pretty cool news for Christmas. I’m not going to share it, yet, because I don’t want to jinx it. I will tell you that it made me cry and I’m extremely excited about it!

Needless to say, my 2016 ended on a pretty high note. I’m looking forward to the coming year and the amazing blessings that Abba will provide. I p—y that you all have wonderful memories of this past year and that the year ahead brings you a lot of happiness and joy. I wish you 吉祥如意 (heath, safety, and for dreams to come true)!

恭贺新禧!Happy New Year!

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