Nov. 14, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hello, everyone, I originally started this blog post by saying, “I’m going to follow up a super long post with another short post.” Now, though, I feel like the time I opened a letter from Dad that started with, “I’m just going to write you a quick note…” and it ended up being six pages long. I promise
Nov. 10, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China So guess what I did today! No, I didn’t go skydiving. No, I didn’t pet a tiger. Believe me, my life is not nearly that exciting. Today, though, I did get to teach an entire class all by myself. Yep! It’s true! Kristen McKell has now officially become a teacher at EF (I even received my hot pink
Getting Ready and Settling Down
Nov. 6, 2016 10:30 pm Beijing, China 大家好! Once again, I find myself in a spot where I’m having difficulty finding a good story to share with you. Today was another early morning at work. I spent the first hour observing Ashlee teach the Small Stars (3-6 year olds) class that we will be sharing. Afterwards, I spent four hours co-teaching with Adam in his
I Can’t Breathe
Nov. 5, 2016 9:00 pm Beijing, China 大家好! Let’s see… what story can I tell you today? Hmm. Oh, I know! How about I tell you about the exciting adventure of my first weekend work day. For those of you who are unaware, weekends at EF are the busiest day. We start work at 8:15 in the morning and have continuous classes until 6:30 at
Today’s the Day!!!!!!!!
Oct. 31, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China Today’s the Day!!!!!!!!! Today was my first full day at my center! I got there a little before 2:00 pm, Beijing time. Yeah, during the week my earliest start time is like 1:15. Don’t get too jealous, though, because I work until 8:30. Also, I don’t have the actual weekend off. I get two days off during the