Nov. 23, 2016 10:30 pm Beijing, China Another day off and not much to report. I am debating whether I should keep posting every day since there are many (like today) where nothing much really happened. I can’t even tell you stories about kids or anything because I was in my apartment for most of the day. Maybe this is a sign that I need
2 Days
Nov. 22, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China I know I missed my post yesterday! Don’t kill me! I’m so sorry. I was exhausted and it had been a long day. I literally got home from work and fell straight into bed. I barely even had time to set my alarm before I was out. As such, I know that I owe you an extra day,
Sleeper Train
Nov. 20, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Okay, so quick story because it’s late and I want to go to sleep. This did not happen today, but I forgot to tell you about it and I find it hilarious. This happened a while ago, the day I went shopping at IKEA with Nayyir, Shay and Atiana. I told you that the subway ride home was
Vlogs and Heating
Nov. 16, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hey, So today’s blog post isn’t so much a post about my day, considering that only consisted of watching Chuck (thank you, Gretchen) and lesson planning. Instead, it’s more of a moment for me to make an announcement and tell you one thing about China. First, my announcement. Any of the previous blog posts I have published that
A Busy Day Off
Nov. 15, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hello, everyone, So today’s blog really is going to be quick. It was another day off. Well, sort of. You see, today was my day off, but EF still had our intake group doing work. This morning, I had to be up around 7am to get ready to head into the heart of Beijing. Brian, Taylor, and I