Nov. 22, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China I know I missed my post yesterday! Don’t kill me! I’m so sorry. I was exhausted and it had been a long day. I literally got home from work and fell straight into bed. I barely even had time to set my alarm before I was out. As such, I know that I owe you an extra day,
Nov. 17, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Number 31! Yep, today’s post is number 31. It has officially been one month since I began this blog. It’s been one month since I saw my family. One month since I boarded a plane from Columbus. One month since I stood on American soil. One month since I spoke the same language as all the people around me.
Vlogs and Heating
Nov. 16, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hey, So today’s blog post isn’t so much a post about my day, considering that only consisted of watching Chuck (thank you, Gretchen) and lesson planning. Instead, it’s more of a moment for me to make an announcement and tell you one thing about China. First, my announcement. Any of the previous blog posts I have published that
Trusting in Peace
Nov. 14, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hello, everyone, I originally started this blog post by saying, “I’m going to follow up a super long post with another short post.” Now, though, I feel like the time I opened a letter from Dad that started with, “I’m just going to write you a quick note…” and it ended up being six pages long. I promise
Thoughts On The Last 24 Hours
Nov. 9, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Hello Blog Readers! Today was another day off, because, you know, weekends usually have two days. So yesterday was spent running around all day until my feet felt like they were going to fall off, and today was spent in my apartment. I really didn’t do anything much today. I caught up on Criminal Minds, worked on my