April 29, 2017 9:00 pm Beijing, China Today was absolutely amazing! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I felt and saw today. I remember the feeling of doing Abba’s work, but it still hit me so hard today when we gave out those Bi—es. Going to those ch—ches and seeing all of our brothers and sisters in Ch—st was an absolute blessing.
Smog Days
Dec. 17, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China Back in Ohio right now, everyone has started Christmas break and is enjoying a relaxing time at home between semesters. Even if they weren’t on break, school would definitely be cancelled based on the amount of ice Chillicothe currently has. Here in Beijing, though, we don’t get snow days. No, we get smog days. “What is a smog
Christmas, Turkeys, and Teachers! Oh My!
Nov. 28, 2016 11:00 pm Beijing, China So once again you get a two-fer. Sorry about that, but last night I was pretty busy. See, yesterday was a bit crazy. My day started early when I woke up to take family Christmas photos. Yes, you read that right. I did say “family” photos. Those of you who receive our Christmas card every year will know