April 28, 2017 8:30 pm Beijing, China Today was a nice, early morning. Of course, with so many people suffering from jet lag, it was bound to happen that someone overslept. So this morning, I woke up to a text message from Dad saying, “Where are you?” Yep, I, the person who has no jet lag, was the one who managed to sleep through my
Exhausting Work; Enjoyable Dinner
February 2, 2017 11:15 pm Beijing, China Today was an interesting day. On most Thursdays, some of the teachers are off, so the office isn’t as crowded as it is the rest of the week. Because of the holiday, though, that was not the case this week. To even out days off, everyone was required to be in the office today at 1 pm. We
6-Year-Old Adults
Dec. 5, 2016 11:30 pm Beijing, China Quick, quick, quick, because I need to go to bed. So today was another full, crazy day, but I don’t want to talk about that. Instead, I want to tell you about the awesome training I had today. Because I’m a new teacher, I have a couple trainings a week. These trainings teach me how to do my
FaceTimed Holidays
Nov. 25, 2016 10:15 pm Beijing, China Hello All! How was Thanksgiving? Did you all have good meals and great conversations? I certainly hope so. I p—y that you cherished the time you got to spend with your loved ones. Actually, I hope that many of you are still cherishing that time. I also p—y for safe travels as people head back home this weekend.
Getting Ready and Settling Down
Nov. 6, 2016 10:30 pm Beijing, China 大家好! Once again, I find myself in a spot where I’m having difficulty finding a good story to share with you. Today was another early morning at work. I spent the first hour observing Ashlee teach the Small Stars (3-6 year olds) class that we will be sharing. Afterwards, I spent four hours co-teaching with Adam in his